Ewa Zygmanowska MD, PhD


Ewa Zygmanowska MD, PhD

Dr n. med. i n. o zdr. Ewa Zygmanowska w Vedi Clinic Warszawa jest dietetyczką konsultującą zarówno dorosłych, jak i dzieci. Pierwsza wizyta u Pani doktor to konsultacja dietetyczna z analizą masy ciała.

She obtained her doctoral degree at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Warsaw Medical University. She is a specialist in clinical dietetics and human nutrition and a lecturer at the Warsaw Medical University.

She gained her professional practice in Warsaw clinical hospitals and outpatient clinics, including the Children's Health Centre, the MSWiA Hospital, the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Oncology Centre - Institute, the Food and Nutrition Institute.

Doctor Ewa Zygmanowska has extensive experience in supporting treatment with nutritional therapy of various disease entities (internal medicine, endocrinology, surgery, immunology, in particular gastrointestinal diseases and allergies). She performs segmental body composition analysis by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) with interpretation of results.

As an expert, she gives lectures, training courses and numerous expert consultations in the media on nutrition prevention and supporting the treatment of diseases with the right diet.

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