mon.: | 8 am - 8 pm |
tue.: | 8 am - 8 pm |
wed.: | 8 am - 8 pm |
thu.: | 8 am - 8 pm |
fri.: | 8 am - 8 pm |
sat.: | Closed |
sun.: | Closed |
Urologia to specjalizacja lekarska, zajmująca się schorzeniami układu moczowo-płciowego – i to właśnie budowa, funkcjonowanie, wady i schorzenia tego układu stanowią główny obszar zainteresowania urologii. Co niezwykle istotne, urologia jest gałęzią chirurgii, jednak lekarz urolog zajmuje się dodatkowo diagnostyką, leczeniem i profilaktyką chorób układu moczowo-płciowego, które uznawane są za niechirurgiczne.
It is the urologist who treats a range of diseases of the male genitourinary tract, which include:
Consultation with an urologist/andrologist | 350 PLN |
Urological consultation with Stamey test | 450 PLN |
Konsultacja urologa z USG układu moczowego | 650 PLN |
Urinary tract ultrasound with evaluation of backflow | 250 zł |
Ultrasound of the testes/ scrotum with flow assessment | 200 PLN |
Prostate ultrasound | 200 PLN |
Tissue-structural ultrasound of the penis | 350 PLN |
Penile Doppler ultrasound with consultation | 800 PLN |
Vasectomy | 2 400 PLN |
Phimosis treatment | 2 400 – 3 200 zł |
Frenuloplasty | 1 600 PLN |
There are a number of indications where a visit to a urologist for a consultation is necessary. In the context of the genital system, urological consultation is indicated in situations such as:
When visiting the urologist's surgery, the doctor first takes a medical history during a standard visit. The questions he asks concern the patient's general state of health, but also the complaints he is experiencing, their severity and the duration of their occurrence. It is very important to indicate to the doctor which methods the patient uses to relieve his or her condition and which medicines he or she takes on a daily basis.
During a visit to the urologist's surgery, the doctor first takes a medical history during a standard visit. He asks questions about the patient's general state of health, but also about the complaints he is experiencing, their severity and how long they have been occurring. It is very important to indicate to the doctor which methods the patient uses to relieve his or her condition and which medicines he or she takes on a daily basis.
Following the history, the doctor proceeds to a urological examination - by looking at the intimate organs and touching the affected areas. If necessary, an ultrasound examination is also carried out or the doctor gives referrals for additional examinations in order to obtain a complete picture of the patient's condition. Only then will it be possible to make an accurate diagnosis and then propose an appropriate treatment for the disease.
As a specialist urologist, the urologist is primarily involved in both carrying out and planning diagnostics to find the causes of urological complaints in patients. In addition, the urologist's activities include preventive health care related to the promotion of health and the prevention of urological disorders. It is this doctor who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that involve the urinary system and belong to the field of oncological urology. Also, the urologist can deal with conservative or surgical treatment of urogenital disorders.
Among the conditions that urologists deal with in terms of prevention, diagnosis and treatment are the following:
It is the urologist who treats a range of diseases of the male genitourinary tract, which include:
The most common diagnostic tests performed by a urology specialist include: