Erectile dysfunction, impotence symptoms

The easiest to observe symptoms of impotence, which are often downplayed by patients, are:

  • significant increase in the time required to achieve an erection
  • inability to maintain an erection throughout sexual intercourse.

If achieving an erection in an intimate atmosphere, despite noticeable arousal and appropriate stimulation, becomes problematic, and the erection is incomplete, short-lived or disappears before reaching satisfaction, you should be aware that these are most likely symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

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Reduced satisfaction with sexual life, avoidance of intimacy and weakened reactions to sexual stimulation are also characteristic symptoms of impotence. It should be noted that although some symptoms can be seen as clear indicators of a given underlying problem, erectile dysfunction often occurs as a result of two or more coexisting pathologies. This is why it is extremely important to conduct a full diagnostics, allowing for the exclusion or confirmation of all possible causes of sexual dysfunction and the implementation of an appropriate form of treatment.


Although the most common and easiest to notice symptom of impotence is difficulty in achieving an erection, information about when and in what situations symptoms of erectile dysfunction appear is extremely valuable from a diagnostic point of view.

If a man feels psychological discomfort when he is about to find himself in an intimate situation, this may suggest erectile dysfunction of psychological or mixed origin. Similar conclusions can be reached when a man expresses dissatisfaction with the quality of his sexual intercourse or relationship with his partner. Psychological origins can also be suspected in men who have no problem with getting an erection during masturbation, who experience morning erections, or those who have had erectile dysfunction since sexual initiation. In diagnosing this type of symptoms, the most important are specially selected psychological diagnostic tests and an interview conducted by a clinical psychologist-sexologist.

If the symptoms of erectile dysfunction have a sudden onset or have gradually worsened since a certain point, it may be suspected that the cause is hormonal disorders or a disease process (e.g. inflammation or hyperplasia of the prostate gland). In the case of patients with such symptoms, the most important thing is laboratory diagnostics and a physical examination by a urologist.

If the patient has other diseases such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis or hypertension, this indicates a vascular cause of impotence. Erectile dysfunction due to vascular causes may also be suspected in heavy smokers, in whom the function of the endothelium of blood vessels and their ability to properly relax are impaired due to nicotine addiction. The assessment of the vascular basis of the problem is a Doppler ultrasound examination of the vessels supplying and draining blood to the penis with the administration of an erection-inducing agent. During the examination, it is possible to assess the speed of blood flow in the vascular system of the penis and indirectly assess the condition of the vascular endothelium.
